Monday 30 January 2012

The Rice Terraces in Banaue, Ifugao are considered to be the Eighth Wonder of the World. The terraces are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Approximately during the ministry of Jesus Christ on earth (over 2000 years ago), the native people of Ifugao began carving the terraces of the mountains using merely their bare hands and sticks from the trees in the forests. The terraces were carved mainly to provide an area of land suitable for planting rice which is the staple food of most Filipinos whether breakfast, lunch or dinner, rice is always served and eaten with the main dish. The rainforests above the mountains act as a natural irrigation system used to water the rice plants. The terraces are 7 hours of travel by car (50 miles) from Baguio city, the summer capital of the Philippines. Travelling from Manila, the capital city of the Philippines, it would take a total of 12 hours to reach the terraces, a distance of about 205 miles.


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